Bravecto helps you spend more quality time with your cat and less effort dealing with fleas and ticks. Fast acting, and with an extraordinarily long-lasting 3 month hassle free period between treatments, you and your cat can enjoy extended protection.
Bravecto spot-on products are absorbed through your cat’s skin, drying quickly at the application site. They are available in three weight range packs, with a simple twist-n-use dispensing tube making it quick and easy to use. Please note the tube cap does not come off.
Bravecto Plus^ provides 3 months flea and tick protection for cats, PLUS a worm treatment, in one spot-on. Bravecto Plus^ treats cats for roundworm and lungworm infections. Bravecto Plus^ is also registered as a treatment for ear mites.
Bravecto Plus spot-on solution* should be administered in accordance with the following table (corresponding to a dose of 40 – 94 mg fluralaner/kg body weight + 2 – 4.7 moxidectin/kg body weight):
Bravecto Plus^ is for cats from 9 weeks of age and from 1.2kg bodyweight.
Bravecto Plus^ for cats provides
- Long lasting, 3 month flea and tick protection, in a convenient spot-on
- Easy – a year’s protection in only 4 treatments
- Part of a treatment strategy to control Flea Allergic Dermatitis (FAD)
- Makes it easy to also treat your cat in one spot-on for roundworm and lungworm infections, and ear mites